Technology giants control the global security

Technology Giants Control The Global Security In Collaboration With CISA

Technology giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft have a significant role in the continuously evolving landscape of global security. These technology giants control global security by controlling sensitive data, developing cyber security standards, and taking robust security measures.

In addition, because these big tech companies hold important user data, they prioritize safeguarding the digital space. Thus, they collaborate with organizations such as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which aims to enhance security measures globally.

To better understand the topic, this article explores how Technology Giants Control Global Security and how CISA works with them to create a safer digital environment.

Table of Contents

  1. Ways Technology Giants Control The Global Security Landscape
    1. Dominant Infrastructure
    2. Data Troves
    3. Global Reach
  2. Global Giants’ Influence On Security
    1. Reliance On Big Tech Cloud Services
    2. Disinformation
    3. Surveillance
  3. Collaboration with CISA To Protect Digital Realm
    1. Updated Secure-By-Design Principles
    2. Joint Guide
  4. Ethical Considerations
  5. Conclusion
  6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Influential Technology Giants Control The Global Security Landscape

Following are some of the ways technology giants control the global security landscape:

1. Dominant Infrastructure

The Big Five giants (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple) transformed industries with groundbreaking innovations. These companies created crucial software and tools that makeup systems such as the Internet, power grids, communication networks, and financial systems.

Due to these systems, Security vulnerabilities in their products arise quickly, creating gaping holes in the web, leaving everything from our daily lives to national security exposed to cyberattacks.

2. Data Troves

These technology giants control the global security by collecting and storing staggering amounts of user data, including personal information, financial details, and sensitive business secrets.

Google is known to be a platform that possesses the most data by processing 40,000 petabytes of data every day. Thus, a data breach at a tech giant can have devastating consequences, causing identity theft, financial ruin, and even national security breaches.

3. Global Reach

Tech giants’ influence exceeds borders. Due to the digital world’s interconnectedness, a security issue in one country can quickly spread. For instance, the Solarwiunds supply chain attack in 2020. a vulnerability in a widely used software (Orion) can leave users across the globe susceptible to cyberattacks.

Global Giants’ Influence On Security

1. Reliance On Big Tech Cloud Services

Our dependence on Big Tech cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud provides convenience and efficiency but also creates potential vulnerabilities. The concentration of power in the hands of a few companies poses a systemic risk of outages and cyberattacks that can impact entire industries.

The 2021 ransomware invasion on Colonial Pipeline, a crucial US fuel pipeline operator, highlights this risk. Colonial Pipeline relied on AWS, and the attack disrupted fuel reserves across the Eastern United States.

Situations like these necessitate discussions about diversification, redundancy in critical infrastructure, and robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate these risks.

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2. Disinformation

Disinformation plays a role in social engineering and cybercrime. For example, e-commerce has made disinformation more of a cybersecurity risk, allowing marketers to sneak conspiratorial messages into what appear to be unobjectionable messages. 

Moreover, disinformation can include malicious fake news, distortions, smear campaigns, and reputation assassinations. It can be particularly prevalent during crises and elections.

Content moderation on social media sites is a complex issue without easy answers. It requires a collaborative effort from governments, tech companies, and civil society to balance free speech and protect users from harmful or manipulative content.

3. Surveillance

The relationship between governments, security agencies, and Big Tech raises concerns about data privacy and potential government overreach.

Thus, it is important to balance security needs and user privacy through clear policies, transparency, and robust legal frameworks. Besides, Civil liberties advocates stress the potential for discrimination and the need to protect minorities.

Collaboration with CISA To Protect Digital Realm

CISA’s partnership with tech giants through updated Secure-by-Design principles. This collaboration focuses on integrating security at every development stage, ensuring robust defenses against cyber threats.

1. Updated Secure-By-Design Principles

Recent updates to these principles emphasize proactive measures to embed security into technology from inception, a move supported by US and international security agencies.

AI and machine learning in cyber security play a significant role in enhancing current security features. Thus, secure-by-design principles, a crucial concept in software development, are equally important for Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and models such as GPT66X.

2. Joint Guide

A joint guide issued by CISA and its partners outlines best practices for tech providers, stressing the importance of secure development processes and the implementation of stringent security measures.

In addition, a Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024 has also been held to educate the Department of Defense (DoD) about cyber threats and best practices for secure information and data.

Technology Giants Control The Global Security: Ethical Considerations

The massive power of these Big Five companies has brought significant ethical dilemmas:

  • Data: How data is collected, stored, and used, and whether the users consent. Thus, this includes privacy concerns, such as location tracking and selling user data.
  • Artificial intelligence: How AI is developing? Failing to deploying AI systems securely results in issues like bias, transparency, and safety.
  • Threats to truth: How companies can combat misinformation, disinformation, and deepfakes.
  • Physical and mental health: How products and services can positively and negatively impact customers.
  • Intellectual property: How companies protect copyrights and trade secrets.

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Although Big Tech has many ethical considerations, continuous efforts are made to handle them. For instance, some companies offer IT solutions and services, including core software technologies and developing privacy-focused features, and governments are exploring data protection regulations.

Additionally, IT solutions and services providers are working to promote transparency and responsibility in the tech industry. Making a more ethical and responsible digital future requires a collaborative effort.

We, as users, can also play a part by being more conscious of our data privacy settings, digging into different IT solutions and services that prioritize ethical practices, and supporting organizations working for change.


After exploring how Technology Giants Control the Global Security and the collaboration between technology giants and CISA, we found that security concerns can be solved with a concerted effort to secure the digital landscape. While these companies have significantly advanced global security, balancing innovation with ethical governance is crucial. Moreover, some companies are constantly working on providing robust IT solutions and services to protect data from breaches for companies and mobile app development technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Cisa use AI?

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help stakeholders adopt AI-based software securely.

Moreover, AI uses applied data science and other techniques to run machine-based systems that are approximately similar to humans. There is also an applied data science program leveraging AI for effective decision-making, a 12-week program where professionals learn how to use data science techniques in the real world.

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How does technology impact global security?

Technology can help reduce risk, prevent unauthorized access, identify potential incidents, and deter criminal behavior. For example, intrusion detection systems (IDS) can monitor network traffic for suspicious activity, and host-based IDS can monitor individual devices for unauthorized access.

As we all know, Technology also has negative impacts. Core software technologies can also create security risks, such as phishing, social engineering, and pretexting.

What is the difference between technology and AI?

Technology and AI are interrelated but are different concepts. Technology includes all the tools, machines, and techniques needed to solve problems and achieve practical goals. On the other hand, AI concentrates on designing intelligent or smart machines that can mimic human cognitive functions. For instance, AI automation testing uses artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up and enhance the accuracy of test automation.