type of software development

18 Type of Software Development and Their Role in Industry

Software development is the process of creating and maintaining programs or applications. These programs run on computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. The software executes calculations and complex activities like running whole business processes.

Developers must know what the software should be doing before creating it. Soft Tech Cube is a leading AI Automation Agency and Custom Software Development provider that creates amazing software according to your requirements. Our team understands your unique requirements and creates fascinating software that resolves real-time issues. 

Developing software is crucial as it advances the programs and applications that are needed. From the applications on our phones to the systems that govern business processes, software development helps us work more efficiently, stay connected, and make information available.

In this blog, you will explore 18 different types of software developments and their roles. We will also discover software development examples that contribute to the tech industry.

18 Type of Software Development

Website Development

Impact of Tech Industry

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Impact of Tech Industry

Tip: If you are looking for the best mobile application development software, look no further than Soft Tech Cube. We provide the best mobile app at an affordable cost.

Desktop Software Development

Impact of Tech Industry

The applications of desktops have transformed the old ways of using technology. It provides incredible tools for managing tasks, data analysis, creative work, and functionality. You can get amazing desktop applications from Soft Tech Cube. We are a leading Digital Technology company that provides custom desktop applications to businesses of all sizes.

Embedded Systems Development

Impact of Tech Industry

Game Development

Impact of Tech Industry

Gaming is the most popular industry, and tech enthusiasts are highly involved. Gaming provides entertainment and interactive experiences. Soft-Tech Cube is an Enterprise software development firm that pushes the boundaries of technology and creativity to provide excellent user experiences.

Cloud Computing Development

Cloud services refer to various internet-based resources like servers, storage, databases, networking, and software. They provide businesses with secure storage for their data and allow them to access resources over the Internet. This type of software development involves applications that operate on cloud platforms. It provides scale and on-demand resources and services.

Impact of Tech Industry

Cloud computing enables businesses to scale operations, manage resources, and access services from anywhere. It is a cost-effective and safest option for companies that want to protect their data from cyber threats. Developing software can never be easy; nevertheless, the Soft Tech Cube team handles each task responsibly and provides top-notch solutions.

Data Science and Analytics Development

The data science involves math, statistics, programming, analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Its goal is to discover actionable insights within an organization through its information and data sets.

This type of software development involves creating tools and applications to interpret useful data. Data science includes data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning.

Soft Tech Cube is a Toronto Digital Technology Company that offers incredible data science and analytics development services and affordable IT solutions and services.

Impact of Tech Industry

The impact of data science in the tech industry has changed the way decision-making is done. Data science assists developers in making informed decisions by providing insights based on data. It also provides innovation and strategic planning extracted from organizations’ large data files.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development

Impact on Tech Industry

Cyber security Development

Cyber security is a process of protecting systems, networks, and programs from cyber-attacks and data breaches. Cyber security Development is one of the major Software development examples. If you are looking for cyber security, get in touch with Soft Tech Cube. Discuss your Cyber security business ideas with us and get custom security services for your valuable data.

Impact on Tech Industry

Data is safe due to several cyber security applications; however, more advances are required in cyber security development to withstand huge cyber-attacks.

DevOps Development

DevOps development is a blend of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools. The tools enhance an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services. Software like DevOps enables faster product evolution and improved customer service.

Impact on Tech Industry

DevOps development enables faster development and deployment by promoting collaboration and automation. It accelerates product launches, generates revenue, and reduces time to market. If you are searching for DevOps development services, contact Soft Tech Cube, a highly trusted Digital Technology Company.

Database Development

Database development involves information flow and data evaluation. It also provides a logical design and implements a database for improved storage and processing. Database technologies store, organize, and process information for easy access.

Impact on Tech Industry

They are essential for storing large amounts of data and information. They enable quick access, management, modification, update, organization, and retrieval. Developing software like a database is typically controlled by a database management system (DBMS).

Systems Software Development

Systems development involves defining, designing, testing, and implementing new software applications or programs. It can affect internal development, database creation, or third-party software acquisition.

Impact on Tech Industry

The technology sector, which includes electronics, software, computers, and social media businesses, often invests in promising projects.

Blockchain Development

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary approach to solving problems and creating opportunities by developing applications and systems.

Impact on Tech Industry

Its unique features include smart contracts, reduced transaction costs, data breach prevention, and peer-to-peer value and data exchange facilitation. However, its adoption requires significant changes in company processes.

Internet of Things (IoT) Development

IoT development involves creating, designing, deploying, and supporting IoT solutions through activities, processes, tools, and technologies. It consists of implementing configuration and coding tasks for software and hardware aspects.

Impact on Tech Industry

IoT enables devices to communicate and share data, revolutionizing industries like smart homes, wearable devices, industrial automation, and healthcare, transforming technology interaction.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Development

VR and AR are revolutionizing the entertainment industry by integrating digital information with real-world environments. AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaying it, while VR creates an artificial environment.

Impact on Tech Industry

These immersive technologies are transforming how we interact and perceive content.

Software Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)

Software testing and quality assurance are crucial for delivering high-quality products. Software testers detect and fix errors, while quality assurance prevents mistakes during development.

Impact on Tech Industry

Both processes ensure customer-ready products with intuitive interfaces, which are expected in today’s highly demanding market. Startups must ensure their products and services are tested and verified to work correctly in every scenario and meet set quality standards.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Development

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on designing and evaluating computer systems and technologies that people interact with. It aims to improve the interaction between humans and computers to make technology more user-friendly, efficient, and enjoyable.

Impact on Tech Industry

HCI encourages a user-centric approach to innovation, allowing companies to stay ahead of market trends, anticipate user expectations, and adapt their offerings to meet evolving demands.

Enterprise Software Development

Regular software development caters to a broader audience, while enterprise software development focuses on creating custom solutions for large organizations. This includes developing, deploying, and maintaining software systems for various operations, such as finance, resource planning, customer relationship management, and supply chain management.

Impact on Tech Industry

Enterprise software development addresses large organizations’ complex workflows and specific needs, such as managing finances or logistics across a global network. Soft Tech Cube developers make developing software easy for enterprises. You can get custom enterprise software development services at an affordable cost.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Chrome
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Spotify
  • Zoom
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Excel
  • WhatsApp
  • Netflix
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps
  • GitLab
  • GitHub
  • Atlassian Jira
  • AWS CodeStar
  • IBM Cloud DevOps
  • Bitbucket
  • CircleCI
  • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Jenkins

Systems software development involves defining, designing, testing, and implementing new application software development or programs. It can involve internal development, database creation, or third-party software acquisition. Some examples are

· Microsoft Windows

· macOS

· Linux

· Android

·  iOS


· FreeBSD

· IBM z/OS

· Solaris

· Chrome OS