iOS App Development

iOS App Development Services Cost 2024

The present digital era has pushed most entrepreneurs to expand their businesses to mobile applications, specifically for iOS. And as we all know, developing an iOS app can be expensive, but what could an iOS App Development Services cost?

According to some sources, making an iOS app can be worth it because of the high demand for iOS developers and the potential for profitability. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has anticipated the market demand for iOS developers to increase by 25% by 2032, driven by the growing use of mobile apps in various industries.

Thus, if you want to create a successful iOS app, you need more than just a great idea, which you may already be wondering about by now, and that is why you landed on this page.

So, what is the iOS App Development Cost in 2024? Well, the cost of an iOS app can range between $50,0000 to $500,000, depending on the complexity of your required mobile application.

So, for your convenience, we will break down the key factors influencing iOS app development services costs in 2024, helping you make informed decisions about your project.

Factors Affecting iOS App Development Services Costs

Following are some key factors that affect the overall Cost of developing an iOS app. These include:

1. App Complexity and Features

a) Simple Apps:

Consists: Basic functionality, few features, and minimal user interface design.

Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $20,000

Simple apps include basic functionalities like a single user interface, minimal user input, and no backend. These simple apps could be basic calculators, to-do lists, and simple games. These apps usually take 1-3 months to develop.

b) Moderately Complex Apps

Consists: Integration with APIs, Backend servers, and Enhanced user interfaces.

Estimated Cost: $20,000 – $50,000

c) Highly Complex Apps

Consists: Advanced functionalities, real-time features, extensive backend, and third-party integrations.

Estimated Cost: $50,000 – $150,000+

Highly complex apps offer advanced features like real-time data processing, AI integration, and extensive third-party integrations. It includes large-scale e-commerce platforms, advanced social networks, and real-time messaging apps. These apps can take 6 to 12 months or longer to develop.

2. Design and User Experience (UX)

Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $20,000

  • Basic Design: Simple layouts and standard UI components.
  • Custom Design: Unique UI elements, animations, and interactive features.
  • User Experience: Intuitive navigation, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless interactions.

Design is vital to an app’s success. No one wants to download or use an app with a poor and dull design. Thus, you must invest in a professional design to ensure your app has a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. Custom designs, animations, and interactive features enhance the user experience, making the app more interesting.

3. Development Team and Location

Estimated Cost: Varies

  • In-house Development: $100 – $200 per hour
  • Freelancers: $20 – $100 per hour
  • Offshore Development: $20 – $50 per hour

When choosing a development team or a digital technology company, you need to consider your budget and project requirements. In-house teams offer better control, while freelancers and offshore developers provide cost-effective solutions with differing quality levels.

4. Platform Compatibility

Estimated Cost: $10,000 – $50,000+

  • Single Platform: Developing exclusively for iOS.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter to target iOS and Android.

iOS app development services are cheaper than creating a cross-platform app. However, using cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter can save costs if you plan to launch on both iOS and Android.

5. Backend and Database

Estimated Cost: $10,000 – $50,000+

  • Simple Backend: Basic data storage and retrieval.
  • Advanced Backend: Real-time data syncing, cloud storage, and complex server logic

A robust backend is essential for apps requiring data storage, user authentication, and real-time data processing. The cost of the backend infrastructure varies depending on its complexity and scale.

6. Third-Party Integrations

Estimated Cost: $1,000 – $10,000+

  • Basic Integrations: Payment gateways and social media login.
  • Advanced Integrations: Machine learning, AI, IoT devices.

Integrating third-party services like payment gateways, social media logins, and analytics tools adds functionality but increases costs. If you want to opt for Advanced integrations like machine learning and IoT, which require specialized expertise, you must increase your budget further.

7. Testing and Quality Assurance

Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $20,000

  • Basic Testing: Functional testing on a few devices.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Performance testing, security testing, and testing on multiple devices.

Thorough testing ensures the app functions smoothly across various devices and conditions. Comprehensive testing includes performance, security, usability, and everything else essential to delivering a high-quality product.

8. Maintenance and Updates

Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $20,000+ annually

  • Basic Maintenance: Bug fixes and minor updates.
  • Ongoing Support: Regular updates, new feature development, and user support.

Post-launch maintenance is fundamental for keeping the app updated and bug-free. Besides, regular updates, new feature additions, and user support also ensure the app remains relevant and functional.

Hidden Costs You Need To Consider

1. Licensing And Legal Fees

Estimated Cost: $1,000 – $5,000

Securing the necessary licenses and complying with legal requirements can add to the total cost of iOS mobile app development services. This includes app store fees, intellectual property protection, and privacy regulations.

2. Marketing and Promotion

Estimated Cost: $5,000 – $20,000+

Launching an app successfully requires a strong marketing strategy. Thus, to attract users, it is necessary to keep a budget for promotional activities, including social media ads, influencer collaborations, and app store optimization.

3. Unexpected Expenses

Estimated Cost: Varies

Unforeseen challenges and changes in project scope can lead to unexpected expenses. Allocating a contingency budget helps manage these risks and ensures smooth project progression.

It’s better to hire an iOS app developer with expertise or opt for a digital technology company that offers competitive pricing and transparent cost structures. This will help you maximize your budget without compromising quality.

Now Calculate An Estimated Overhead

Now that you have an estimated idea of each possible and crucial factor individually, you can have a total estimate of the iOS app. You can also use a formula as suggested by  Tekrevol, a renowned digital transformation company, that goes like this:

iOS App Development Cost = UI/UX Development Hours + App Platform + [Hourly Rates of Developers x Development Time]

Putting each estimated value here lets you have the rough total overhead for your preferred iPhone app. Then, you can compare it to your budget and make a more informed decision.

Bonus Tips to Reduce iOS App Development Costs

When optimizing iOS app development services costs, you can consider factors like:

#1. Planning

The first step in starting any project is planning. So, it is important to properly define the project’s scope, features, and timeline. You can also prioritize core functionalities and postpone less important features, which you can integrate in later updates once the app generates revenue.

#2. MVP (minimum viable product) Approach

An MVP is a cost-effective strategy for iOS app development services. By focusing on core features and launching a basic app version quickly, you can validate your idea, gather user feedback, and iterate on the product without breaking the bank.

This practice authorizes you to optimize your resources, reduce development time, and minimize the risk of building a product that doesn’t resonate with the market.

#3. Choose the Right Development Team

Pick a team with a reliable work record and relevant experience. While assuring quality, consider cost-effective options like offshore development. To make informed decisions, you can look at a digital technology company’s portfolio and see its work that resembles your project demands.

#4. Leverage Existing Solutions

You can utilize existing frameworks, libraries, and third-party services to save development time and costs.

#5. Choose Cross-platform Development For Your iOS App

When developing an iOS app, you can opt for cross-platform development, which greatly saves costs. You can reduce development time and resources using a single codebase deployed to multiple platforms.

Consequently, you’ll need fewer app software developers, less time to market, and lower overall project costs.

However, it’s important to note that cross-platform development offers cost savings; it might compromise performance and native-like user experience compared to native iOS development in some cases.  

How Soft Tech Cube Can Help You With Your iOS App Development

Developing an iOS app involves various steps, and partnering with an experienced project development company like Soft Tech Cube can make the process smoother and more efficient.

The company conducts thorough market research to validate your app idea and ensure its demand. It works closely with you to gather detailed requirements, understand your vision and goals, make a comprehensive plan, and estimate costs.


Understanding the factors affecting iOS app development services costs in 2024 is essential for planning a successful project. By considering the complexity, design, development team, etc., you can budget effectively and make informed decisions. Thus, investing in well-planned app development projects can help you stay competitive and, more importantly, generate revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does the iOS app cost?

The cost of iOS app development services can vary depending on various factors. It can range from $5000 to over $700,000.

How much does it cost to run an app on iOS?

The cost of running an iOS app depends on various factors, such as development, cost, and maintenance fees. iOS app development services cost approximately $10,000 to $700,000.

How much does iOS app development cost?

The average cost of iOS app development services varies due to many factors, ranging from $10,000 to $700,00.

Is there a way to create an iOS app?

Several ways can be used to create an iOS app, including app builders, frameworks, and programming languages.

How do I make apps for iPhones?

You can make an iPhone app using Xcode, Buildfire, React Native, and AppMachine. If you require more tech-related expertise, you can hire a digital technology company with expertise in website development apps for iOS.

Is it possible to make an iPhone app?

Yes, making an iPhone app using app builders, frameworks, and programming languages is possible.